Great artistic photos and photography by Mark Connelly and MC Design for prints, download, and contract assignments.

Seedy Photos Abstract
A series of photographic images using seeds and seed pods that are arranged in an abstract way. They can be completely abstract, or partially abstract.

This site showcases a selection of really creative photographic images utilizing seeds and seed pods from trees and other plants.

The seeds originate from multiple continents. Currently seeds from Australia, Africa, Central America, South America, Asia, and North America are used.

There are a vast diversity of seed shapes, colors and sizes in the World. Here I have just used a small handful. As with any creative process the variations of design are endless, and solely limited to time and imagination.
Maru 1
ID# 18
Maru 2
ID# 19
Maru 3
ID# 20
Abstract Orange, Black
ID# 21
Abstract Beige, Orange, Black
ID# 22
Blue, Orange, Black
ID# 3
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